The ACFB Fund


Welcome to the ACFB Fund

The charitable side of A Change for Better, the ACFB Fund seeks to fill the gaps in the current New Zealand mental health system.

Use the buttons below to either apply for support from the ACFB Fund or, if you are a  professional, to become ACFB Fund approved.

Making Mental Health Support Accessible

At The ACFB Fund, we believe that everyone deserves access to mental health support and resources, regardless of their circumstances. Our mission is to break down barriers and foster a society that embraces inclusivity, resilience, and well-being.

How We Make a Difference

1. Mental Health Therapy: Through generous donations and fundraising efforts, The ACFB Fund provides mental health support to individuals who require mental health therapy but may not have the means to access it by funding their sessions via ACFB Fund vetted professionals.

2. ADHD and Autism Assessments: With the help of Psychological Services team, we can offer discounted ADHD and Autism assessments without the wait times of other providers. 

3. ACFB Accredited Clinics: We partner with Accredited ACFB Clinics, ensuring that individuals can connect with trusted professionals who are dedicated to providing accessible therapy.

4. Tech for Therapy: We believe in the power of technology to break barriers. Our Tech for Therapy Program equips therapists and clients with the necessary technology and education to engage in online therapy effectively.

The ACFB Fund Process

Complete the form and submit to the ACFB Fund for review and approval.

The ACFB Fund approves the application and allocates fee for service.

About: The ACFB Fund

Our Mission:

Our mission is two-fold: To support individuals in need of mental health therapy who may not otherwise qualify for resources, and to empower mental health professionals to make a lasting impact in their communities. By bridging the gap between those in need and dedicated clinicians, we facilitate a network of care that fosters growth, healing, and resilience.

Our Vision:

At A Change for Better and The ACFB Fund, we value community, accessibility, education, and innovation. Our vision is to make mental health support available to all, fostering a society that embraces inclusivity, resilience, and well-being.

Our Values:

Community (Tangata Whenua): Ensuring that ACFB is a bicultural organization, driven by the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. We work with tangata whenua, making meaningful contributions to local communities through the accessibility of mental health support, education, and innovation.

Accessibility (Āheitanga): Breaking down barriers and ensuring mental health support is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances, ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Education (Akoranga): Empowering individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to promote mental well-being, fostering an informed and educated approach to mental health support.

Innovation (Tangongitanga): Embracing innovation to create transformative solutions, addressing the ever-evolving challenges in mental health care, and striving for better outcomes.